* indicates presentations completed with students
Conboy, B. T., Abel, A. D. & Simon-Cereijido, G. (2023, April). How diagnosing Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) may help school-based SLPs support children. Oral presentation at the California Speech-Language-Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
Finestack, L. H, Abel, A. D. & Tighe, J. (2022, November). Developmental language disorders for speech-language pathologists. Oral presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Oleans, LA.
*Young, C., Pankonin, A., & Abel, A. D. (2022, June). How word class affects the identification of a new word’s meaning. Poster to be presented at the International Max Planck Research School Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences, virtual.
*Goussak, A., Pankonin, A. & Abel, A. D. (2022, June). Is confidence key? The effects of confidence on implicit word learning in school-aged children with and without DLD. Poster to be presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison WI.
Schneider, J.M., Abel, A. D. & Maguire, M.J. (2021, April). Individual learner abilities differentially influence word learning success on the basis of socioeconomic status during the school years. In J.M. Schneider (Chair) Maximizing word learning outcomes in school-aged children. Symposium presented at the Biennial meeting for the Society of Research in Child Development, virtual.
*Pankonin, A. & Abel, A. D. (2020). Effects of semantic meaning attachment and word class on word recognition. Proposal accepted to the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, abstract withdrawn.
Maguire, M.J., Schneider, J.M., Melamed, T., Ralph, Y.K., Poudel, S. & Abel, A. D. (2020, June). Developmental changes in the timing and topography of theta power during sentence processing corresponds to reading comprehension abilities. The Summer Neurolinguistics School, Moscow, Russia, virtual.
*Momsen, J., Schneider, J. M., & Abel, A. D. (2020, November). Developmental difference in neural oscillations supporting the identification of novel word meaning from context. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, virtual.
*Sotomayor, C., Maguire, M. J., & Abel, A. D. (2020, November). The influence of the bilingual experience on word learning in school-age children: An ERP study. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, virtual.
*Pankonin, A. & Abel, A. D. (2020, November). Effects of word class on word learning from context. Proposal accepted to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
*Sotomayor, C., Maguire, M. J., & Abel, A. D. (2020, November). What error analysis tells us about contextual word learning in school-aged bilingual children. Proposal accepted to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
*Goussak, A. & Abel, A. D. (2020, November). Is confidence key? The effects of confidence on implicit word learning in school-aged children. Proposal accepted to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
Schneider, J.M., Abel, A.D. & Maguire, M.J. (2020, October). Reading ability as a protective factor for word learning among school-aged low socioeconomic status children. Presentation at the Many Paths to Language Conference, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, virtual.
*Sotomayor, C. Abel, A. D., & Maguire, M. J. (2019, November). Differences in attention during word learning in school-aged monolinguals and bilinguals. Poster presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA.
*Melamed, T. C., Maguire, M. J., & Abel, A. D. (2019, October). Neural oscillations differ depending on word learning ability. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting, Louisville, KY.
*Sotomayor, C., Abel, A. D., & Maguire, M. J. (2019, September). Do bilingual and monolingual school-aged children use different neural mechanisms during word learning? Presentation at the 25th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Moscow, Russia.
Abel, A. D. (2019, August). Developmental changes in the neural underpinnings of word learning. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Helsinki, Finland.
*Sharp, B. J., Abel, A. D. & Konja, C. (2019, August). Implicit and explicit access to partial word knowledge in school-aged children. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Helsinki, Finland.
Abel, A. D. (2019, March). What neural processes support word learning in school-aged children? Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Konja, C., Sharp, B. & Abel, A. D. (accepted, abstract withdrawn). Implicit and explicit access to partial word knowledge in school-aged children. Proposal accepted to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting.
Abel, A.D. (2019, March). Word learning differences in children with Specific Language Impairment. Paper symposium presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
DeAnda, S., Blossom, M., & Abel, A. D. (2018, November). A single-subject study of a complexity approach to treatment of tense and agreement delay. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Abel, A. D. & Love, T. (2017, November). Brain structure & function in children with Specific Language Impairment. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.
*Abel, A. D. & Sharp, B. (2017, November). Word learning from context in school-age children with SLI: An EEG study. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.
*Schneider, J. M., Abel, A. D., & Maguire, M. J. (2017, October). Moving from unknown to known: Developmental differences and changes in neural oscillatory processing as a word is learned. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR.
*Lopez, M., Schneider, J.M., Abel, A.D., Poudel, S. & Maguire, M.J. (2017, October). The influence of memory on word learning in bilingual children. Cognitive Development Society Bi-annual Conference. Portland, Oregon.
*Abel, A. D., Konja, C., Guantez, J. & Sharp, B. (2017, April). The neural underpinnings of word learning from context in school-aged children. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.
*Schneider, J.M., Abel, A.D. & Maguire, M.J. (2017, April). Knowing when you don’t know: How perceived confidence may contribute to the vocabulary gap. Poster presented at the Society of Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas.
*Schneider, J.M., Maguire, M.J., & Abel, A.D. (2017, April). Developmental differences in neural oscillations reveal role of prediction in noun and verb learning. Poster presented at the Society of Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas.
*Abel, A. D., Schneider, J. M., & Maguire, M. J. (2016, August). Changes in neural oscillations provide insight into the engagement of cognitive processes during word learning. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, London, England.
*Schneider, J. M., Maguire, M. J., & Abel, A. D. (2016, August). Alpha power reflects prediction differences in learning of nouns and verbs. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, London, England.
*DeAnda, S., Blossom, M. & Abel, A. D. (2015, November). A complexity approach to treatment of tense and agreement deficits in children with SLI. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
*Zeller, A., Abel, A. D., Schneider, J. M., Sharp, B. J., & Maguire, M. J. (2015, October). Surrounding linguistic context influences the role of neural oscillations underlying word learning. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
*Abel, A. D., Long, M., & Price, J. M. (2015, October). Neural oscillations related to word learning from auditory context. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
*Schneider, J. M., Abel, A. D., Middleton, A. E., Ogiela, D. & Maguire, M. J. (2015, October), Developmental differences in neural oscillations supporting online sentence processing. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Abel, A. D., & Maguire, M. J. (2014, November). How the brain learns words: An EEG study of on-line word learning in school-aged children. Technical Research Session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.
Maguire, M. J. & Abel, A. D. (2014, August). Theta and beta changes related to learning new words from linguistic context. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Amsterdam.
Abel, A. D. & Rice, M. L. (2013, November). Children with SLI show grammatical strengths & weaknesses on a sentence imitation task. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
*Naqvi, F., Abel, A. D., Kim, A. & Maguire, M. J. (2013, November). Differences between nouns & verbs in an elicited-response task. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
*Fitzhugh, A., Magnon, G., Abel, A. D. & Maguire, M. J. (2013, November). Improving developmental EEG with eye-tracking. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
*Kim, A., Abel, A. D., Naqvi, F., & Maguire, M. J. (2013, November). Word frequency & semantic retrieval in nouns and verbs. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Maguire, M. J. & Abel, A.D. (2013, November). N400 evidence of word learning from context in adolescent children. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
*Schneider, J. M., Abel, A. D., McCord, J., Maguire, M. J. (2013, November). Changes in neural oscillations during naturally-paced sentence processing. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Abel, A. D. & Rice, M. L. (2013, June). Effects of verb familiarity on finiteness marking in children with SLI. Poster presented at the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
Fiorentino, R., Bost, J., Graebner, A., Zuccarelli, J. & Abel, A. D. (2010, March). The online instantiation and syntactic consequences of the constraint on plurals in compounds. Poster presented at the City University of New York Conference on Sentence Processing, New York, NY.
Rice, M. L., Ash, A., Abel, A. D. & Lee, J. (2008, June). A comparison of children with SLI and control children on the PPVT-R and the PPVT-III: Effects of test revision on sensitivity to affectedness. Poster presented at the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
Lee, M. W., Schuele, C. M., Barako Arndt, K., Spencer, E., Abel, A. D., Guillot, K., Lineback, A., Rosenthal, J. & Foran, C. (2008, November). Language in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers: SES influences on preschoolers’ performance on the PLS & PPVT. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Abel, A. D. (2007, June). The influence of phonological awareness, vocabulary knowledge and phonological memory on children’s incidental word learning. Poster presented at the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
Abel, A. D., Schuele, C. M. & Barako, K. M. (2006, November). Word learning: The effect of phonological awareness. Technical session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Miami, FL.